- NotW 1,3: Alchemists
- NotW 2: Ex-soldiers
- NotW 1: Farmers
- NotW 1.3: Guards
- NotW 0,1,3: Innkeeping
- NotW 1: Merchants
- NotW 1: Perfumers
- NotW 1,3: Smiths
- NotW 1,3: Soldiers
- NotW 1,3: Tinkers
- NotW 1: Innkeeper prepares a bowl of hot water, shears, some clean linen, a few glass bottles (contents?), needle and gut to stitch up Carter
- NotW 1: Steel is an alloy of carbon and iron...or is it coke, lime and iron?
- NotW 2: Pens and paper
- NotW 2: Tinderbox
- NotW 2: Needles
- NotW 3: Alchemists distill things in crucibles
- NotW 3: Copper pot simmers in Inn's kitchen
- NotW 3: Inns have baths
- NotW 3: Oil lamps
- NotW 3: Poultice recommended for an injury
- NotW 3: Fireplaces have flues
- NotW 3: Bast suggests using "Nighmane" to make a traveler sleepy
- NotW 3: Kote tells Bast to use "Mhenka" instead
- NotW 3: Scythe with wooden handle
- NotW 3: Smiths use stiff leather aprons and forge gloves
- NotW 3: Burlap sack
- NotW 3: Things offered by the caravan tinker
- Pot mending
- Knife grinding
- Willow-wand water-finding
- Cut cork
- Motherleaf
- Silk scarves off the city streets
- Writing paper
- Sweetmeats
- Belt leather
- Black pepper
- Fine lace
- Bright feather
- Small cloth
- Rose water
- Shears and needles
- Copper pots
- Small bottles (of?)
- Buttons
- Cinnamon
- Salt
- Limes from Tinuë
- Chocolate from Tarbean
- Polished horn from Aerueh
- NotW 4: Homespun grey shirt with buttons
- NotW 4: Spade for digging
- Notw 1: Celum Tinture
- Chapter 13 has numerous solvent formulae
- NotW 3: Unknown book leafed by Kote in Inn.
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