General Note to my Gentle Readers:

This blog is dedicated to an indepth look at the first two books of The Kingkiller Chronicles: "The Name of the Wind" and "A Wise Man's Fear" by Patrick Rothfuss.

If you have not yet read these books, don't read this blog. It's that simple. I will spoil it. Let the books speak to you first, then come back here and see what you might have missed, or point out what I blindly failed to see. We will not hesitate to spoil from both books and with no warning. Except this one. So now you are warned.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


  1. NotW 1: In the story of Taborline the Great, he shares what little he has to eat with a tinker, who in gratitude sells him an "amulet" (guilder or gram) to protect him for an iron penny, a copper penny and a silver penny.
  2. NotW 3: A potbellied and nearly toothless tinker come to the Waystone Inn with a caravan. He offers the following services and products:
    • Pot mending
    • Knife grinding
    • Willow-wand water-finding
    • Cut cork
    • Motherleaf
    • Silk scarves off the city streets
    • Writing paper
    • Sweetmeats
    • Belt leather
    • Black pepper
    • Fine lace
    • Bright feather
    • Small cloth
    • Rose water
    • Shears and needles
    • Copper pots
    • Small bottles (of?)
    • Buttons
    • Cinnamon
    • Salt
    • Limes from TinuĂ«
    • Chocolate from Tarbean
    • Polished horn from Aerueh

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